Thursday, December 3, 2009

Last Saturday I shoot for my video production assignment for which, I have to make a short film and I was very confused about the storyline of my film.Then, I came with an idea and finally I shot my film with the help of my friends who played the main characters in my film.It was really a great experience and when I had a looked on my film I was very happy.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Digital art is any art in which computer played a role in production or display of the artwork.Such art can be an image,sound,animation,video,CD-ROM,DVD-ROM,video game,website,algorithm,performance or gallery installation.Many traditional disciplines are now integrating digital technologies are integrating digital technology and as a result,the line between traditional works of art and new media works created using computers has been blured.For instance,an artist may combine traditional painting with algorithm art and other digital techniques.As a result,defining computer arts by its end product can thus be difficult.Nevertheless,this type of art is beginning to appear in art museum exhibitions.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Digital media gives a wide space to all those who has a very creative mind and who loves to do his work in a different manner.So,digital media is a good mean for those person who wants to express his thoughts by doing anything unusual.Nowdays digital media is helping spreading knowledge ,increase business of many big companies and many industries are totally dependent on digital media.e.g like the film industry and many more.So,digital media is a boost to the world and it has a big impact on the world today.Digital media is helping shaping the world.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A digital system means a technology that uses discontinuous value.It includes numbers,letters,images or sounds.The word digit comes from latin word digitus which means fingers as in old days fingers are used to count things.Digital system usually work in binary numbering system.examples of digital system are television ,computers,cell phones etc.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hi,all.I am a student of Digital Media.I want to tell u something about Digital Media.Digital Media is the combination of digital technology and creativity.It is the effective way to market,sell and train streamline working system.Digital Media covers everything like photography,web site design,video work,graphic design, logo design, basically anything that conveys a message from a business to the customer.Digital Media can help grow the business by mixing the business with eBooks,multimedia presentation,videos,internet and other technologies available.It can take a business to that high that one has never thought of. According to me digital media is the most demanding subject in todays world.